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Luis Miguel Villar Angulo

Libros: investigaciones científicas

Villar, L. M. (2018). De la supervisión a la mentoría en las prácticas profesionales : iniciativas solidarias en contextos universitarios de carácter educativo. En Quintanal, Ruiz-Corbella, y Sevillano. Las prácticas profesionales en titulaciones de educación. Madrid, UNED, 33-75.Esta imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es fullsizeoutput_a734-768x1024.jpeg


Hojas digitadas de un árbol universitario: cómo mejorar la profesión docente

Hojas digitadas de un árbol universitario: cómo mejorar la profesión docente

Libros: investigaciones científicas.

Investigaciones científicas, manuales de enseñanza, ensayos, conferencias presentadas en congresos.

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En el siguiente enlace aparecen algunos títulos de libros correspondientes a investigaciones científicas, manuales de enseñanza, ensayos, actas con ponencias y conferencias presentadas en congresos, etc. (Los libros tienen el sistema de clasificación universal).

Hojas digitadas de un árbol universitario: cómo mejorar la profesión docente.

Hojas digitadas de un árbol universitario: cómo mejorar la profesión docente. Amazon. 2017                                                               ASIN: B07473DYTG

Hojas digitadas de un árbol universitario: cómo mejorar la profesión docenteárbol-universitario-profesión/dp/1521927235/ref=sr_1_1?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1501582073&sr=8-1&keywords=hojas+digitadas+de+un+árbol+universitario

Amazon (25 de julio de 2017)

  • Tapa blanda: 218 páginas

ISBN-10: 1521927235

ISBN-13: 978-1521927236

Luis Miguel Villar Angulo-fichas de algunos libros

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Autores: José María Mesa López-Colmenar (coord.), Rafael Juan Castañeda Barrena (coord.), Luis Miguel Villar Angulo (coord.) Editores: Universidad de Sevilla, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación Año de publicación: 2006 País: España Idioma: español ISBN: 84-86849-45-4

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Autores: José María Mesa López-Colmenar (coord.), Rafael Juan Castañeda Barrena (coord.), Luis Miguel Villar Angulo (coord.) Editores: Universidad de Sevilla, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación Año de publicación: 2006 País: España Idioma: español ISBN: 84-86849-45-4


Libros editados en distintos países: Estados Unidos, Alemania, Turquía

Luis M. Villar-Angulo and Olga M. Alegre-de la Rosa (Eds.) (2013). University Teaching and Faculty Development Research Compendium. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 302 pp. ISBN: 978-1-62257-516-9.

IMG_0091 copia

This book is concerned with teaching for students at a university level and faculty development. This book will look at how teaching and research can be brought into a closer relationship. This book welcomes research-based articles on the practice of higher education, specifically those manuscripts that span a wide range of teaching and faculty development issues and trends occurring internationally


Luis Miguel Villar-Angulo (Ed.) (2014). Conceptual, Methodological and Practical Challenges on How and What People and Organizations Learn Across Time and Space. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-62948-911-7.

Conceptual Methodological 978-1-62948-911-7

This book is written by educators who have practical teaching experience, a scholarly appreciation of technology and a capability for concise research exposition. The result is a volume that provides a highly readable synopsis of current educational innovations. The twenty-two chapters are arranged in six sections: technology, online teaching and learning, special education, higher education, learning and instruction and organization culture. This book is ideal for the practicing teachers or education fellows wishing to grasp the essence of modern research on teaching.

Olga M. Alegre-de la Rosa and Luis M. Villar-Angulo (Eds.) (2015). Research on University Teaching and Faculty Development. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 336 pp. ISBN: 978-1-63482-316-6.

This book builds on the tradition of concern for university innovation that has characterized higher education throughout the world. It recognizes the university needs for continuous development of students and faculty. It involves recommendations applicable to classroom teaching, thus providing a bridge between research and practice. It helps readers meet some university challenges and build effective universities for present times. For all those reasons, we believe that this book is right. The need for renewed focus on innovation in higher education stems from several sources. First, some social and educational agencies are expressing dissatisfaction with the performance of the general higher education system. Although we do not agree with the criticism, many universities around the world assume their responsibility for launching research projects, and programs for promoting quality in teaching and learning within their faculty and community. Second, the world in which universities operate is changing noticeably. Colleges and universities are experiencing basic changes in student admission and placement. In the nearest future the student body will be over 25 years of age. Students will need methodologies to access learning materials and participate in online actions and communications over the Internet at their own convenience. The third reason for a special attention on university innovations comprises market competition in society. Students are annually evaluating the value of any university degree based upon their perceptions on quality in flexible teaching, resources and new educational technologies, campus and classroom learning environments, services and fees. Students are demanding more than a piece of paper as a premium placed on a college degree. They envisage universities must provide the major guide and best way for finding jobs and career progress. Fourth, colleges and universities are encouraging the development of long-distance education and massive open online courses. Government agencies foster competition among institutions, in order to provide powerful mental tools to help students to master tough subjects. Besides, private higher education institutions are emerging and competing for students with those of the public sector. Finally, some books outline improvement processes needed by faculty members to undertake curriculum and teaching innovations. However, very few claim to describe the teaching competencies needed by university faculty who work in higher education classroom settings. Furthermore, universities offering innovation programs and courses use those competencies to identify learning change and teacher and student progress toward curriculum development. (Imprint: Nova)






Teaching through Multi-user Virtual Environments. Vicenti, G. and Braman, J.

Alegre, O.M. y Villar, L.M. (2011). «Faculty Professional Learning: An Examination of Online Development and Assessment Environments». Hershey: IGI GLOBAL, Chapter 6, pp. 66-92.



Alegre-Rosa, O. M. y Villar-Angulo, L. M. (2010). «Training Teachers in Virtual Scenario: An Excellence Model for Quality Assurance in Formative Programmes». Hershey: IGI GLOBAL, Chapter 11, pp. 190-212.



Organizational Learning and Knowledge- Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (4 Volumes)

Chapter 1.19 DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-783-8.ch1.19 ABSTRACT The model Faculty Electronic Professional Learning and Portfolio ( FEPLP) is viewed as cyclic with six basic entry points: quality man – agement of academic development, professional development programmes, e-mentoring for new faculty teachers, development teaching and as – sessment competences in a blended environment, web-supported faculty assessment strategies, and review of an e-portfolio. This computer-mediated model includes a range of multiple representations of teaching competences that seek to provide for different professional development programmes for faculty in higher education, increases e-men – toring interactions, and provides a more closely reflection on campus e-learning experiences. The authors also investigated future staff developments including further competence module and online course development inspired by this model. INTRODUCTION We describe a Faculty Electronic Professional Learning and Portfolio model ( FEPLP) (see Figure 1). We state that significant changes in quality professional development are likely to take place only after changes in faculty professional learning ( FPL) outcomes are evident, that is, once faculty have experienced professional change in academic learning competences. The model is viewed as cyclic with six basic entry points: quality management of academic development, professional Olga M. Alegre University of La Laguna, Spain Luis M. Villar University of Seville, Spain Faculty Professional Learning: An Examination of Online Development and Assessment Environments. IGI-GLOBAL




Villar Angulo, L.M. y Alegre de la Rosa, O.M. (2011). «Faculty Learning Online Courses». New York: Nova, Chapter 11. pp. 213-232



Villar, L. M. y Marcelo, C. (1992). «Kombination qualitativer und quantitativer Methoden», München, R. Oldenbourg Verlag GmbH, pp. 177-218.



Villar, L. M. (1995). «Reflective Teaching», Elsevier Science Ltd. pp. 178-183.





Alegre-de la Rosa, O.M. y Villar-Angulo, L.M. (2012). Ögretmenlik Mesleginin Degerlendirilmesi: Kariyer Gelisimine Yönelik Mentorlugun Etkileri. Ankara: Basari, pp. 115-132. ISBN: 978-605-364-249-7



Olga M. Alegre de la Rosa y Luis M. Villar Angulo

Chapter 14. «Student Success, Self-Efficacy, Degree Completion, Dropout, Attainment, and SWOT Analysis for the University of La Laguna Quality System». pp. 217-236.


Research on University Teaching and Faculty Development: International Perspectives. New York: Nova, 2017.

ISBN: 978-1-53610-884-2


Chapter 20
Olga M. Alegre de la Rosa y Luis M. Villar Angulo
The aim of the study was to analyze the contextual and personal factors associated with student teachers’ inclusive and intercultural values to… Sample PDF

Handbook of Research on Administration, Policy, and Leadership in Higher Education.

Siran Mukerji (Indira Gandhi National Open University, India) and Purnendu Tripathi (Indira Gandhi National Open University, India)
Release Date: September, 2016|Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 678
ISBN13: 9781522506720|ISBN10: 1522506721|EISBN13: 9781522506737|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0672-0


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Luis Miguel Villar Angulo